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Research Interests
Ming and Qing Daoism
Inner alchemy (neidan)
Interaction between Daoism and Tantrism
Buddhism of the late imperial period
Tibetan Buddhism (rDzogs chen)

•Ph.D. Far Eastern Studies, University of Paris VII, 1993
•D.E.A (Master of Arts in Far Eastern Studies), University of Paris VII, 1988
•B.A. (Oriental Languages and Literature), Ca’ Foscari University of Venice, 1987
Other Graduate Study
•Post-doctoral Diploma Course in Religious Studies (EPHE, Sorbonne, Paris), 1995-97
•Fudan University, Dept. Chinese Philosophy (Shanghai), 1985-86
•Gent University, Dept. of Buddhist Studies, 1986-87

•Chief Researcher at UniversityMedia Research Institute (Kyoto), Development of Audiovisual Educational Materials, 2000-2011
•Research member of the French CNRS-URA 1229 (Religion and Culture of Tibet), 1996-98
•Research member of Italian CNR, 1998-2000, 1991-92, 1989-91

•Four-year Research Grant (JSPS ) Daozang jiyao Project, 2008-11
•Three-year Research Grant (CCK Foundation ) Daozang jiyao Project, 2006-09
•JSPS Post-doctoral Research Fellowship, Kansai University (Osaka), 1997-99
•Post-doctoral Researcher at the University of Venice, Dept. of Indology and Far Eastern Studies, 1994-96
•Six-month Pre-doctoral Fellowship at the Academy of Social Science of Shanghai, 1989-90
•Scholarship for Advanced Studies at Foreign Universities (Italian Ministry of Science and Education), 1987-93
•Scholarship at Fudan University (Shanghai) with a grant from the Italian Ministry of Science and Education, 1985-86

Selected Publications
La Porte du Dragon. L’école Longmen du Mont Jingai et ses pratiques alchimiques d’après le Daozang xubian (Suite au Canon Taoîste) [The Dragon Gate—The Longmen Tradition at Mount Jingai and its Alchemical Practices according to the Daozang xubian]. Ph.D. thesis, Paris VII, 1993 (under the direction of Isabelle Robinet).
Il Qigong, la nuova scuola taoista delle cinque respirazioni [Qigong, the New Daoist School of the Five Breathings]. Padova: Muzzio, 1995.
L’alchimia del soffio [The Alchemy of Breath]. Roma: Ubaldini, 1997.
Creative Daoism. Switzerland : University Media, 2013.
Facets of Qing Daoism. Wil;Paris : University Media, 2014
Cahiers d’Extrême-Asie 14 (2004). Special Issue: In Memoriam of Isabelle Robinet (co-edited with Hubert Durt).
Images of Tibet in the 19th and 20th Centuries, Etudes thématiques 22. Paris: Ecole française d’Extrême-Orient, 2008.
1. “Daoism in the Qing.” In Livia Kohn (ed.), Daoism Handbook, 623-658. Leiden: Brill, 2000.
2. “Longmen Taoism in Qing China–Doctrinal Ideal and Local Reality.” Journal of Chinese Religions 29 (2001): 191-231.
3. “The Longmen School and its Controversial History during the Qing Dynasty.” In John Lagerwey (ed.), Religion and Chinese Society: The Transformation of a Field, vol. 2, 621-698. Paris: Ecole française d’Extrême-Orient & Chinese University of Hong Kong, 2 vols, 2004.
4. “In Memoriam of Isabelle Robinet—An Annotated and Thematic Bibliography (revised and enlarged edition).” Cahiers d’Extrême-Asie 14 (2004): 1-42.
5. “Sun-worship in China–The Root of Shangqing Taoist Practices of Light.” Cahiers d’Extrême-Asie 14 (2004): 345-402.
6. Final version in Kyōto Daigaku Jinbun Kagaku Kenkyūjo (ed.) Chūgoku shūkyō bunken kenkyū [Religions in Chinese Script: Perspectives for Textual Research], 239-264. Kyoto: Rinsen shoten, 2007.
7. 〈“Shindai dōkyō to mikkyō: Ryūmon seijiku shinshū” [An Example of Daoist and Tantric Interaction during the Qing Dynasty: The Longmen Xizhu xinzong Tantric Lineage]. In Kunio Mugitani (ed.), Sankyō kōshō ronsō [Studies on the Interaction between the Three Teachings], 287-338. Kyoto: Jinbun Kagaku Kenkyūjo, 2005.
8. 〈“Daozang jiyao ji qi bianzuan de lishi” [The History of the Compilation of the Daozang jiyao]. Paper presented at the First International Academic Symposium of Daoist Literature and its Path to Immortality, Gaoxiong, Zhongshan University, November 10-12, 2006.
9. “The Discovery of Jiang Yuanting’s Daozang Jiyao in Jiangnan—A Presentation of the Daoist Canon of the Qing Dynasty.” In Kunio Mugitani (ed.) Kōnan dōkyō no kenkyū [Research on Daoism in Jiangnan] (Written reports on 2003-06 Research Project supported by Japan Foundation for the Promotion of Science [JSPS]), 79-110. Kyoto: Jinbun Kagaku Kenkyūjo, 2007.
10. “ Yibu Quanzhen Daozang de faming: Daozang jiyao ji Qingdai Quanzhen rentong” [The Invention of the Quanzhen Canon: The Daozang jiyao and Quanzhen Identity]. In Zhao Weidong ed. Wendao Kunyushan, 303-343. Jinan: Qilu, 2009
11. “The Daozang Jiyao Project: Mutations of a Canon.” Daoism: Religion, History and Society (2009): 95-153.
12. “Qingdai Daozang: Jiangnan Jiang Yuanting ben Daozang jiyao zhi yanjiu” [The Discovery of Jiang Yuanting's Daozang jiao in Jiangnan - A Presentation of the Daoist Canon of the Qing Dynasty]. Zongjiaoxue yanjiu 3 (2010): 17-27.
© 2006 Daozang jiyao Project, Updated August, 2015