《香港廟宇碑刻志:歷史與圖錄》(三冊) 黎志添編著
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─華琛(James L. Watson),哈佛大學人類學系榮休講座教授
─科大衛(David Faure),香港中文大學歷史系榮休教授
Edited by Lai Chi Tim
A Complete Collection of Stele Inscriptions in Hong Kong Temples: Historical Records with Images, 1274-2021 (in Chinese, 3 volumes) is a comprehensive collection of stele inscriptions from existing Chinese temples (excluding Buddhist and Daoist monasteries in general, apart from a few exceptions) in Hong Kong, covering the Hong Kong Island, Kowloon, the New Territories, and the outlying islands. A total of 455 inscriptions are featured, arranged according to the 130 temples in which the steles are located.
The stele inscriptions in this full, systematic collection span from the Southern Song dynasty to the recent times (1274–2021). Over 90% of these inscriptions are recorded directly from the original steles. All the texts of the inscriptions are then carefully emended. The diversity and richness of these temple inscriptions constitutes a powerful testimony to the changes and developments in the beliefs of gods and religions in Hong Kong over the centuries.
In addition to its clear historical and documentary value, this collection also serves as an important pictorial record of the appearance of, as well as the inscriptions, statues, and artifacts preserved at, each temple. The photos, all taken on-site by the book’s author, illustrate not only the history of the temples, but also the vibrant legacy of temple culture in our modern-day life.
Temples, as carriers of the history of a people, are integrally entwined into the fabrics of contemporary society and life. This collection, thus, opens a window into the story of Hong Kong, offering a perspective on the changes and development of Hong Kong society from ancient times to the present.
In sum, Stele Inscriptions in Hong Kong Temples systematically integrates inscriptions, images, and documentary records to present a comprehensive picture of the development of Chinese temples and religions in the territory and showcase the transformation of its land, people, and community over the ages.